Creating a total count for read only table in display box

Hey All, 

I would like to create a display box that shows the count of how many total applications we received. For some reason I am not getting the total count of the number of application. Any advice?

The code for the table: 

data: queryrecord(
recordType: cons!OCS_Services_Portal_Application_Record,
query: a!query(
aggregation: a!queryAggregation(
aggregationColumns: {
field: "Division",
isGrouping: true
field: "AppId",
aggregationFunction: "COUNT"
pagingInfo: fv!pagingInfo
columns: {
label: "Division",
sortField: "Division",
value: fv!row.Division
label: "Number of Applications",
sortField: "AppId",
value: fv!row.AppId
pageSize: 20,
initialSorts: {},
selectable: false,
spacing: "DENSE",
height: "SHORT",
shadealternaterows: false

The code for the display box:

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