Navigating the code

Newbie question:

So far, the hardest thing I am finding in developing on Appian (working on an app developed by Appian resources) is finding where I am in the code. I am on a page in one browser, have the designer open in another, and despite what I do cannot find where I am, given the page that is open. I know it sounds very stupid, but is there a best practice or tricks to figure out where you are? (I have searched by expression etc and am stymied).

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  • I feel your pain! Appian has made steps to implement a "flow forward" mechanism for development, where you can be developing an object, realise you need another to act as a 'helper' perhaps, and to be able to jump forwards to implement that, without losing your position in the current object. This is still work in progress. For existing objects there is a degree of being able to "zoom" to a referenced object - using CTRL+Click when hovering over a rule! referenced in an Interface, for example; or the embedded hyperlink to a Process Model that is referenced in a constant. Yes, this leaves a trail of open browser windows which can quickly become overwhelming. To help with this a little (and a few other productivity tools) there is the 'Appian Dev Tools' browser plug-in:

    which will (amongst other things) provide a visual cue for what object type is open in a given browser tab.

    If you have any suggestions as to improvements or a way in which you'd like to work that Appian doesn't currently support we'd love to hear it!

  • I feel your pain! Appian has made steps to implement a "flow forward" mechanism for development, where you can be developing an object, realise you need another to act as a 'helper' perhaps, and to be able to jump forwards to implement that, without losing your position in the current object. This is still work in progress. For existing objects there is a degree of being able to "zoom" to a referenced object - using CTRL+Click when hovering over a rule! referenced in an Interface, for example; or the embedded hyperlink to a Process Model that is referenced in a constant. Yes, this leaves a trail of open browser windows which can quickly become overwhelming. To help with this a little (and a few other productivity tools) there is the 'Appian Dev Tools' browser plug-in:

    which will (amongst other things) provide a visual cue for what object type is open in a given browser tab.

    If you have any suggestions as to improvements or a way in which you'd like to work that Appian doesn't currently support we'd love to hear it!

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