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  • Hi Swetha,

    In the first screen, its telling to correct the localVariable syntax.

    Regarding the dropdown, there should be the same number of choice labels and choice values. 

    We should ensure the selected value must be present in the list of choice value.

    If the choice values returns {}, the selection value should be {}. But we could seen in the screen selected value is null()

    If the choice values returns specific value, the selection value should be a specific value.

  • Hi Swetha,

    In the first screen, its telling to correct the localVariable syntax.

    Regarding the dropdown, there should be the same number of choice labels and choice values. 

    We should ensure the selected value must be present in the list of choice value.

    If the choice values returns {}, the selection value should be {}. But we could seen in the screen selected value is null()

    If the choice values returns specific value, the selection value should be a specific value.

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