Can I navigate to Interface from Interface on icon click

I have an interface (Interface-1) in which I have an icon, I am trying to navigate to another interface (Interface-2) in Interface-1 icon click. Also, I want to come back to Interface-1 from Interface-2 once I have done on Interface-1. I have already tried Interface Navigation that's not I am looking for my requirement.

Please help me with it. 

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    What's your use case?  What would the user be doing on each interface? 

    Is there any reason you can't have the icon utilize a Start Process Link, launching a process that would call Interface 2, with activity chaining?

    Alternatively you could just have both interfaces be tasks in the same process model, and in that case the icon could be a Submit Link.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    There's a number of things you can do:

    1.  Put a submit link on the icon.  Then your process continues, and you activity chain to a new User Input task so they see the new form right away.

    2.  Put a startProcess link on the icon.  That starts a new process that could chain into a form or has a start form. It will drop you back into the form you were on when you're done with the whole process you called (the great difficulty there is you won't be able to return information from the process you started to the form, not without a database query or something like that).

    3  Really fun one I think:  You can put both form's code in the same definition.  You can use a dynamic link to flip a boolean switch.  Half the components are set to showWhen the switch is off, and the other half set to showWhen the switch is on.  Now it only LOOKs like 2 forms, but it's really one.

    As you advance in Appian experience I'm sure you can start thinking up even more interesting ways to do this.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Dave Lewis

    Ah, I forgot about #3. *thumbsup.jpg*

    For #1, I hedged the language in my recommendation a bit, since I'm not really clear in what context OP's "interface" is in - it could be a record, report, etc, as far as we know.