How to Submit on dropdown option select


I have an editable grid in which I have column with dropdown in it. I am trying to call submit to update values in selected row. I have been able to select single row in a rule input variable where when I change any value from dropdown the value gets changes. The issue I am facing is to insert that updated row in DB. 

Please suggest.

                        label: "Assigned To",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        placeholder: fv!item.assignedTo,
                        choiceLabels: {
                          "Anil Verma",
                          "Amit Singh",
                          "Gaurav Singh",
                          "Praveen Kumar",
                          "Sumit Mehta"
                        choiceValues: {
                          "Anil Verma",
                          "Amit Singh",
                          "Gaurav Singh",
                          "Praveen Kumar",
                          "Sumit Mehta"
                        saveInto: ri!rwmActivity.assignedTo,
                        searchDisplay: "ON",
                        disabled: local!editAssignedToField,
                        validations: {}

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Parents Reply
  • Thank, it solved 50% of my issue, but I am getting an exception now (below)

    Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error: An error occurred while executing a smart service: An error occurred while trying to write to the entity “Creativity” [id=049bc51f-d0da-4a48-8da3-e441fd049429@38159, type=Creativity (id=7250)] (data store: Creativity Data Store). Details: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save() 
