Who is the system administrator for the VFM database & the trial versions of appian


I am following the Developer learning path. In the "Developer Skills Practice Guide" some of the exercises require administrator rights which I don't have in the 14-day trial version. The Practice Guide also gives work-arounds, but I am unsure who to contact.

In exercise 4 the datastore for the Vehicle fleet management app is created and connected to the cloud database:

Scroll down, retain the Create tables automatically option, and click Save & Publish .
This step will create a vehicle table in the database. Close this window.
If you do not have Administrator rights to create a table, select the Create tables
manually radio button , download the script, and share it with the System Administrator.

Who is the right contact to implement this script?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards



Data Store: VFM Data Store
Created: 2020-11-18T09:48:56.718Z
By: karl.fuellwock@pwc.com
Appian Version:
Target Database: MySQL 5.7.30-log
Database Driver: MySQL Connector Java mysql-connector-java-5.1.47 ( Revision: fe1903b1ecb4a96a917f7ed3190d80c049b1de29 )

/* WARNING: The DDL commented out below will drop and re-create all tables.
    drop table if exists `vfmvehicle`;

    create table `vfmvehicle` (
        `id` integer not null auto_increment,
        `make` varchar(50),
        `model` varchar(50),
        `licenseplate` varchar(10),
        `category` varchar(50),
        `vehiclecondition` varchar(255),
        `lastupdated` datetime,
        `nextservicedate` date,
        `mileage` integer,
        primary key (`id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

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  • Hello, Karl. If you're using the 14 day trial, you should have rights to save and publish your data store. You do not need to run the script in order to create the table. The alternative instructions are for users with additional security restrictions in on-premise environments. Once you create your CDT, update the Data Store object to reference the CDT as a data store entity. Then, click "Save and Publish." You should get a green notification that the table has been created. You can confirm this by going to your site navigation in the top, right of the Appian designer and selecting "Cloud Database" to view the table. 

  • Hello, Karl. If you're using the 14 day trial, you should have rights to save and publish your data store. You do not need to run the script in order to create the table. The alternative instructions are for users with additional security restrictions in on-premise environments. Once you create your CDT, update the Data Store object to reference the CDT as a data store entity. Then, click "Save and Publish." You should get a green notification that the table has been created. You can confirm this by going to your site navigation in the top, right of the Appian designer and selecting "Cloud Database" to view the table. 
