Who is the system administrator for the VFM database & the trial versions of appian


I am following the Developer learning path. In the "Developer Skills Practice Guide" some of the exercises require administrator rights which I don't have in the 14-day trial version. The Practice Guide also gives work-arounds, but I am unsure who to contact.

In exercise 4 the datastore for the Vehicle fleet management app is created and connected to the cloud database:

Scroll down, retain the Create tables automatically option, and click Save & Publish .
This step will create a vehicle table in the database. Close this window.
If you do not have Administrator rights to create a table, select the Create tables
manually radio button , download the script, and share it with the System Administrator.

Who is the right contact to implement this script?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards



Data Store: VFM Data Store
Created: 2020-11-18T09:48:56.718Z
By: karl.fuellwock@pwc.com
Appian Version:
Target Database: MySQL 5.7.30-log
Database Driver: MySQL Connector Java mysql-connector-java-5.1.47 ( Revision: fe1903b1ecb4a96a917f7ed3190d80c049b1de29 )

/* WARNING: The DDL commented out below will drop and re-create all tables.
    drop table if exists `vfmvehicle`;

    create table `vfmvehicle` (
        `id` integer not null auto_increment,
        `make` varchar(50),
        `model` varchar(50),
        `licenseplate` varchar(10),
        `category` varchar(50),
        `vehiclecondition` varchar(255),
        `lastupdated` datetime,
        `nextservicedate` date,
        `mileage` integer,
        primary key (`id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

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