How to filter DateTime filed by date only


I have a field in my DB table which has DateTime value init. And I am trying to filter records using date only, of course its not working as expected, but when I do a search using same data (date only) by changing time value to "00:00:00" I am able to search. Can you help me  with it?


Is a Date Picker

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  • Two things I noticed:

    1. I think you want to use the "between" operator on line 9 instead of "=".
    2. The "ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues" property isn't going to work quite right here because you're providing an expression as the value. I'd recommend instead using the "applyWhen" property to determine when to apply the filters. Something like this:

      field: "startdate",
      operator: "between",
      applyWhen: not(isnull(ri!startDate))

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