Send Email Smart Service - Custom Sender option

Hi ,

I want to use the "Send Email Smart Service -> Custom Sender" in my process model in Appian. I have tried but not able to get any emails. PFB screenshot .

Can someone explain me what I have to do step by step? I've already looked into this Documentation but I did not quite understand what I have to do.



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    Certified Lead Developer

    I'm not 100% clear whether this is necessary for the Sender Email field (though it is for the To: and CC: fields), but you may need to wrap your email address in an "Email Address" object.  Thus in the expression box you should have like:


    Also be sure to double-check your Spam folder, as emails sent via this method sometimes fail various mail providers' checks meant to ensure the apparent sender's email address matches the domain of the actual SMTP server - an "anti spoofing" measure apparently.