link label dynamic text display

Certified Associate Developer


My use case is as follows. 

I have a button that initiates a process that creates an excel follow. 

After pressing the button, and upon successful creation of the excel file, I want to display to the user a document download link.

As for the label of this link, I want it to say "Download + FileName", where the file name is a Local Variable 

for example, I want the label of the link to say "Download Excel File Number 5" for example

Is there a way to make the label field dynamically displayed based on the value of a local variable. 

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    As a tangent, I recommend using only the Rich Text Display Field to show document download links (there's no reason to use a!linkField() anymore, for any reason IMHO).  The primary reasoning here is that in the RTDF, the link can be enabled/disabled dynamically, and at the same time, you can easily add extra elements like icons if/when you choose.


      value: a!richTextItem(
        text: {
        link: a!documentDownloadLink(
          document: local!generatedDoc,
          showWhen: not(isnull(local!generatedDoc))

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    As a tangent, I recommend using only the Rich Text Display Field to show document download links (there's no reason to use a!linkField() anymore, for any reason IMHO).  The primary reasoning here is that in the RTDF, the link can be enabled/disabled dynamically, and at the same time, you can easily add extra elements like icons if/when you choose.


      value: a!richTextItem(
        text: {
        link: a!documentDownloadLink(
          document: local!generatedDoc,
          showWhen: not(isnull(local!generatedDoc))

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