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Creating PK and FK relationship.

Hi All,

I am creating the relationship between two tables but system does not allow me and throws the error "1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails ". Do I need to update in the CDTs for these tables as the CDTs are already created for these tables. 

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  • I've noticed you have posted many similar questions today, but I think you need to provide a lot more context in order for us to help you. What is your application? What is the original data structure and what is the new data structure? Where are you configuring the relationship? Where are you seeing errors? What troubleshooting steps have you tried? You will likely need to make changes on the database side, but in some instances it isn't necessary to also make changes to the CDT (for instance if you're removing a constraint in the database, you may not need to make any changes for your CDT).