If I want to update a list of value by satisfy certain condition, how should i do?

As title,

there are two difference from java or python with appian, one is there is not under_score marks for a list, such as list[0], the a!forEach seems can't apply with number, such as for(i=1,i<100,i++), 

also there seems a!save(target:) can only save into one row of value, if I want to update a list, how should I do other than process model, thank you.

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    1.) a!forEach can deal pretty well with numbers. I just works differently than a for loop. Can you explain your concrete scenario? (check out the fv! function space. there are fv!Index, fv!item, fv!Islast.....
    2.) a!save can deal pretty well with arrays. it just depend what you want to archive. sometimes you need a loop function like a!forEach to support you. But in general there a plenty of aaray functions you can use in a a!save to archive manipulation of your array like a!update(), append, insert(), remove(), upadatearray()...What is your concrete scenario?

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    1.) a!forEach can deal pretty well with numbers. I just works differently than a for loop. Can you explain your concrete scenario? (check out the fv! function space. there are fv!Index, fv!item, fv!Islast.....
    2.) a!save can deal pretty well with arrays. it just depend what you want to archive. sometimes you need a loop function like a!forEach to support you. But in general there a plenty of aaray functions you can use in a a!save to archive manipulation of your array like a!update(), append, insert(), remove(), upadatearray()...What is your concrete scenario?
