Pop Up on a condition

Hi All,

I have a use case to display pop up on click of a button. However it should be displayed only if specific flag is set to true. Can this be achieved ?

local!isDataEdited : false(), /*Confirm Message should only pop when this flag is set to true*/

label: "Back",
icon: "repeat",
saveinto: {},
submit: true,
style: "PRIMARY",
validate: false(),
confirmHeader: "",
confirmMessage: "Any changes will be lost if you continue to navigate away from this page.",
confirmButtonLabel: "Continue",
cancelButtonLabel: "Cancel"

Thank you and Appreciate your time and effort  !!

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  • A if() should do the job.

      local!isDataEdited: false(),
      /*Confirm Message should only pop when this flag is set to true*/
        label: "Back",
        icon: "repeat",
        saveinto: {},
        submit: true,
        style: "PRIMARY",
        validate: false(),
        confirmHeader: "",
        confirmMessage: if(
          "Any changes will be lost if you continue to navigate away from this page.",
        confirmButtonLabel: "Continue",
        cancelButtonLabel: "Cancel"