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In Process Properties, by default the process display name will be process model name given while creating but you need to have display name dynamic so that each process instance can be uniquely defined. In order you to make it dynamic, try appending any unique identifier for that process. For example, request id, ticket id etc.
how to make display name dynamic? do you mean process model name have to be different as display name?
You can make it dynamic by appending a unique identifier used in that process model. Something like a request id. For Example, if your process model named "Edit Request" is used to edit a request, the display name should be something like "Edit Request# "&pv!requestId. Hope this helps!
Please go through below link from documentation for further details
Let's start with some basics:
fn!concat( ri!processModelName, " for Opportunity ", ri!opportunityName, " for Account ", ri!accountName )
Note: when you call such a rule form the 'Process Display Name' use the pm!name value to set the ri!processModelName to in case someone decides to change the Process Model name in the future.