Hi all:
When I upgrade appian from 20.1 to 20.3 with the upgrade guide https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/21.3/Upgrade_Guide.html#custom-spring-security-configurations;
After I upgrade step by step as step 8 Start Appian,(We use systemd to start appian, ) we can systemctl start appian-services successfully , but when I use status script to show the status of cluster , it prints that exectaion 02 of 3 nodes are starting but not running and any other engines status are OK). when I try to search logs, there are nothing error on services_manager.log or executation02.log or executaion02.err. can anyone advise me how to fix it
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Similar kind of issue we also faced recently can you please stop appian and restart again. it should work make sure nothing in hang status like else kill those and retry