Record Filter

Pls answer the below questions 

1.What is Record Filter? When do we use? Pls give some simple examples 

Thanks in Advance!

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  • There are two types of Record Filter:

    • Default - this gets applied before the set of records is presented to the end-user. A good example is where you implement a "soft delete" (i.e. a Boolean flag on an entity) and you never want to show any of the "deleted" records to the end-user. You would use the Default filter to filter them out. In effect it implements a "WHERE <condition>" on the data
    • User - these are presented to the end-user in the Record List in Tempo, and allows a User to elect to apply one or more of the filters to narrow the set of data down to a smaller list in order, say, to find a candidate record for subsequent processing.
  • There are two types of Record Filter:

    • Default - this gets applied before the set of records is presented to the end-user. A good example is where you implement a "soft delete" (i.e. a Boolean flag on an entity) and you never want to show any of the "deleted" records to the end-user. You would use the Default filter to filter them out. In effect it implements a "WHERE <condition>" on the data
    • User - these are presented to the end-user in the Record List in Tempo, and allows a User to elect to apply one or more of the filters to narrow the set of data down to a smaller list in order, say, to find a candidate record for subsequent processing.