As title the top one is interface without problem, bottom one as published on the site upload is not clickable, why? Thank you
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Per the Documentation, this is expected behavior:
Is this mean upload function only allow in the processmodel?
Could you tell me how to solve it?
Save your interface as an application action and then call this action in your site.
how to save interface as application action??
Please follow the below steps:
1. Open your interface and select "Save as" option as below:
2. Select "Application Action"
Thank you so much~!!!
By the way, do you know how to solve "...invalid contentID..." error for import excel into database function?
Yes, it has to be on either a start form or user input task in the context of a process model.
In particular, this is because any file you upload to the upload box is kept in a hidden temporary location in the Appian filesystem and not moved to its target folder until the form is submitted, again in the context of a process model. Thus even if you were able to enable one on a Site, it would never actually work, in terms of uploading your file where you want it to go. When you're looking at an interface in the Interface Designer, however, the functionality is slightly less locked-down just so it's more testable for designers.