An unknown error has occured while loading the process ERROR

Hi everyone 

i have an error that i dont understand , why it is throwing this error when i am debbuging the process ?  it s even not showing errors in the console . so how can i know what is the reason of this  problem ? 

everything worked before , i dont know what happen ?

anyone know what i need to do ?? 

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  • Hello. I'm learning Appian from scratch and not sure I can help, but I can suggest some common practices to debug an error:
    1) Please, provide there reproduction steps in details
    2) As an additional option, you could submit a ticket to Appian Community if error still not resolved, so community could check it, if it's a bug in the system
    3) Please, share the browser you use (Chrome, Safari, Mozilla or other), try to invalidate cache and restart it. Also, you can clear cookies
    4) Look through the developer console of browser (usually, F12 on most of the browsers)
    That is all I can help
    Best, Anton.

  • Hello. I'm learning Appian from scratch and not sure I can help, but I can suggest some common practices to debug an error:
    1) Please, provide there reproduction steps in details
    2) As an additional option, you could submit a ticket to Appian Community if error still not resolved, so community could check it, if it's a bug in the system
    3) Please, share the browser you use (Chrome, Safari, Mozilla or other), try to invalidate cache and restart it. Also, you can clear cookies
    4) Look through the developer console of browser (usually, F12 on most of the browsers)
    That is all I can help
    Best, Anton.

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