SQL VIEW record

Hey everyone, 

I created an app where I builded a record and used records relationship to easy access to data from related records. Now I wanted to rebuild the record to use SQL View instead of records relationship. 

Where shoul I start

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  • Hi Victoria - related records effectively mimic SQL Views. So you'd want to use the same concept to relate the underlying tables in the same way that you do the records. You'd need to familiarize yourself with the syntax for creating a SQL View. Once you have the SQL View you can then point Appian at it to create a CDT based upon that View, just as if it were a SAL Table. Note: Appian CDTs require a Primary Key (of a Primitive Type) so you'd need to ensure you VIEW included a column for this purpose.

  • Hi Victoria - related records effectively mimic SQL Views. So you'd want to use the same concept to relate the underlying tables in the same way that you do the records. You'd need to familiarize yourself with the syntax for creating a SQL View. Once you have the SQL View you can then point Appian at it to create a CDT based upon that View, just as if it were a SAL Table. Note: Appian CDTs require a Primary Key (of a Primitive Type) so you'd need to ensure you VIEW included a column for this purpose.

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