Report Creation

Hello all, 

Im new to appian, 

I have a task where was requested to create a new report in Appian which will contain all users requests from a certain country only.

Where should I start? what are the steps to follow. 


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  • For Report , if u are storing those Users (with requests) in DB with Certain Country in one table then  ,fetch from there just pass the country as rule input in Query entity .

    Then Create an interface and show the grid of your need , editable or paging grid , but if data you  are fetching from view then you have to go with Paging grid.

    if you elaborate more on requirement ,it will be good.

  • For Report , if u are storing those Users (with requests) in DB with Certain Country in one table then  ,fetch from there just pass the country as rule input in Query entity .

    Then Create an interface and show the grid of your need , editable or paging grid , but if data you  are fetching from view then you have to go with Paging grid.

    if you elaborate more on requirement ,it will be good.

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