Hi, I am trying build read only selectable grid.
a!localVariables( local!businessModuleStatus: rule!CR_QE_getModuleStatusForBusiness( cif_int: ri!cif_int, moduleId_int: ri!moduleId_int ), a!boxLayout( label: index( local!businessModuleStatus, "workflowDesc_txt", "" ), style: "ACCENT", contents: { a!gridLayout( spacing: "DENSE", headerCells: { a!forEach( items: cons!CR_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS, expression: a!gridLayoutHeaderCell( label: fv!item, align: "LEFT" ) ) }, columnConfigs: { a!gridLayoutColumnConfig( width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2 ), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig( width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2 ), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig( width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2 ), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig( width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2 ), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig( width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2 ), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig( width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2 ) }, rows: { a!forEach( items: local!businessModuleStatus, expression: a!gridRowLayout( id: fv!item.inputRequestId1_int, contents: { a!textField( value: fv!item.workflowDesc_txt, readOnly: true(), align: "LEFT" ), a!textField( value: rule!APN_FN_getDisplayName( userId: fv!item.initiatedBy_txt ), readOnly: true(), align: "LEFT" ), a!textField( value: rule!CR_FN_DateTimeFormat( input: fv!item.initiatedOn_dt ), readOnly: true(), align: "LEFT" ), a!textField( value: fv!item.moduleStatus_txt, readOnly: true(), align: "LEFT" ), a!textField( value: rule!APN_FN_getDisplayName( userId: fv!item.approvedBy_txt ), readOnly: true(), align: "LEFT" ), a!textField( value: rule!CR_FN_DateTimeFormat( input: fv!item.approvedOn_dt ), readOnly: true(), align: "LEFT" ) } ) ) }, selectable: true(), selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT", selectionValue: ri!inputSelectedId_int, selectionSaveInto: { a!save( ri!inputSelectedId_int, tointeger( index( reverse( save!value ), 1, null ) ) ), a!save( ri!systemSelectedId_int, index( local!businessModuleStatus, "systemRequestId_int", "" ), ) }, selectionRequired: true() ) } ))
On selection of row one variable will get updated due to Id of a row, then if i retrieve value for second variable from localvariable. It is not updating for second variable if I select a new row.
Can someone suggest on this?
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Hi it seems you have a problem while saving the value in ri!systemSelectedId_int, I'm assuming you want to save the systemRequestId_int of the selected row, what is happening in the code above is all the systemRequestId_int are getting saved in the ri due to the below code
a!save( ri!systemSelectedId_int, index( local!businessModuleStatus, "systemRequestId_int", "" )
But I suppose the ri can only hold single value hence it will get the very first value every time in order to save the selected row value use this
a!save( ri!systemSelectedId_int, index( local!businessModuleStatus, "systemRequestId_int", "" )[selectedIndex]
If you are showing a read-only grid that requires selection there is a very useful SAIL recipe for the same read only grid with selection
I hope this helps
what is here [selectedIndex]? Could you please tell?
Hi, After selection , you dont need to index to choose selected row, you can just use fv!selectedRows for selection and fv!deselectedRows for deselection. You can go through the link provided by viraty as well.
a!localVariables( local!businessModuleStatus: rule!CR_QE_getModuleStatusForBusiness( cif_int: ri!cif_int, moduleId_int: ri!moduleId_int ), local!selectedId_int, local!selectedValues, a!boxLayout( label: index( local!businessModuleStatus, "workflowDesc_txt", "" ), style: "ACCENT", contents: a!gridField( data: local!businessModuleStatus, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: cons!MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[1], sortField: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[1], value: fv!row.workflowDesc_txt ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[2], sortField: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[2], value: rule!APN_FN_getDisplayName( userId: fv!row.initiatedBy_txt ), ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[3], sortField: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[3], value: rule!CR_FN_nbfDateTimeFormat( input: fv!row.initiatedOn_dt ), ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[4], sortField: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[4], value: fv!row.moduleStatus_txt ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[5], sortField: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[5], value: rule!APN_FN_getDisplayName( userId: fv!row.approvedBy_txt ) ), a!gridColumn( label: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[6], sortField: cons!CR_APP_MODULE_STATUS_GRID_FIELDS_FOR_BUSINESS[6], value: rule!CR_FN_nbfDateTimeFormat( input: fv!row.approvedOn_dt ), ), }, selectable: true, selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT", selectionValue: local!selectedId_int, selectionSaveInto: { local!selectedId_int, /*a!save(*/ /*local!selectedId_int,*/ /*tointeger(*/ /*index(*/ /*reverse(*/ /*fv!selectedRows*/ /*),*/ /*1,*/ /*null*/ /*)*/ /*)*/ /*),*/ a!save( local!selectedValues, append( local!selectedValues, fv!selectedRows ) ), a!save( local!selectedValues, difference( local!selectedValues, fv!deselectedRows ) ), a!save( ri!inputSelectedId_int, local!selectedValues.inputRequestId1_int ), a!save( ri!systemSelectedId_int, local!selectedValues.systemRequestId_int ) }
Now I am getting both values ,but it is selecting mutliple rows but my requirement is single row to be selected. Can you please help in this?
as you select the value the index is what gets selected you must have been saving it in ri or local, please pass that
But we need only one selection at a time. In fv!selected multiple rows will be selected
you can restrict the row selection please refer this Limit Grid Selection to One Row
You can limit the selection . Please go through the link which viraty shared.
Thank you.
Thank you .