How to modify field properties


I have just created an application with few fields but mistakingly I have made a couple of them mandatory.

Now I want to make them not-mandatory. Can anyone help me. I went to the app-data type - thought I will be able to uncheck the "Required" checkbox but didn;t get it. Any help ??



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  • yes no problem. I am doing the course - Certified Appian Developer. Still on my way

    I know how to create an interface... but in this case i am not there yet (I am trying to build something on my own and comitting those mistakes). So until now what I did was

    1) create the application with full application builder feature

    2) while doing that I need to define the fields to build this interface (for eg.) 

    I see the required field here.. mark them required

    3) Later I realised that I need to revert back a couple of field from required to not-required. How do I reach this place again? 


