How can I send a graph made to a document ?

Certified Associate Developer

I have made an application with your chart and bar reports, and I require the reports to be exported to a document, how can I do it?

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  • In short, you can't. You may want to rethink what the "requirement" actually is. You have the option of bringing users into Appian to see your chart/bar reports natively, rather than exporting them to a document. The downside of exporting data to a report is that it is immediately out of date, whereas bringing the user into the system ensures they always have access to the latest and up-to-date version of the truth.

  • In short, you can't. You may want to rethink what the "requirement" actually is. You have the option of bringing users into Appian to see your chart/bar reports natively, rather than exporting them to a document. The downside of exporting data to a report is that it is immediately out of date, whereas bringing the user into the system ensures they always have access to the latest and up-to-date version of the truth.
