I placed text field in the editable grid and applied required function.When testing in the interface, the required function is well applied after clicking on submit button.However, requried function does not apply when testing in the site page.
Are there specific conditions for required function to be applied on the site as well?
Could it be because I tried to use the required function in the record's summary?
Thank you.
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Please elaborate on your problem more. If possible, include the screenshots and the code.
Hi ,
I am facing the same issue where I have a text field with required set to true and there is no validationGroups added and button validate parameter is also set to true. When this interface is called from record summary view, on button click, the required validation is not working, but the form gets submitted successfully.
For reference, line no 78 Appian recipe has similar code which is an example to make DB calls from summary view user inputs.