Creating a record type with datasoruce Database

Certified Associate Developer

Hallo community,

I am fairly new to Appian but spent a fair share of time with training and playing around with different use cases.

Unfortunately I cannot get to understand how to correctly create a record type without the need to create a CDT and Datastore first.

Since I have to configure a datasource (in my case: Database) I identified two options:

Option 1 - Create a new table in the databsae

In the process of creating a data model of the  record type ("Tell us about your data"), I then select as datasource the newly created table

Option 2 - Create a CDT and Datastore first

Then again, in the process of creating a data model of the  record type ("Tell us about your data"), I then select as datasource the newly created table

Disadvantage: Once I create Actions for this Record type, CDT, Datastore and Data store entity are created new again and i Have duplicates in my application or completely ignore the wizard and configure the actions manually.

Is there any other way (besides choosing a different datasource like Salesforce or WebAPI) or recommended sequence in creating this record type?

Thank you for any hint.


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