how to remove particular element from an array at checkbox

I have a grid and many rows. For each row there is 1 check box where when I click on check box value should go to localvariable and when I unselect the check box that particular value should be removed.

label: "",
choiceLayout: "COMPACT",
choiceValues: 1,
value: if(
fv!item.value = 0,
required: false(),
saveInto: {
fv!item.value ,

fv!item.value = 1,



Here value is getting appended into local!variable but while removing its removing last value in array. Not the one which is unselected. Can anyone help

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    For the next time ...

    Did you try to use the difference() function? It should help you to remove a specific value from a list. Try it out in a separate testing expression and then include it here.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    HI You can use remove() function to remove any value from an array. For your requirement you would need to add a condition in your saveInto parameter to either append a value or remove a value.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to GopalK

    To use remove() you would need to know the index of the element to be removed. If you have it, this is a viable option.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    i would recommend a mixture between a kind of cdt/map logic for your grid values and if the checkbox value is true (boolean type)
    then your local variable  should be updated automatically by a index(....,wherecontains(true,...),{}) . The automatic local update is done by a refreshvariable logic. Slight smile

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Yeah, I would put an index on each of the checkboxes, and if checked a!update() or insert() at the index, and if unchecked either a!update() or remove() at the index.  If you use a!update() you'd keep the skeleton of each CDT or whatever it is in your list, but you'd remove or blank out the contents, but leave the primary keys and structure and whatnot intact so you can easily put the data back when you check and uncheck the boxes.

    If you do insert() and remove(), you might have some problems.  Let's say you start with 5, {1,2,3,4,5}.  You remove the first, the second, and the third. {4,5}.  You want to add the third one back, so you insert at index 3, what results? {4,5,3}  That's not right.  Insert at index 2. {4,2,5,3}  You want to remove 3? {4,2,3}  Add it back? {4,2,3,3}  That's not even remotely what you want.  You can go through steps to make sure it doesn't do that, but keeping skeleton and just adding in and removing the contents into the "contents" field might be an easier way.