Activity Class Parameter - Usage of Index vs dot

Hi, I am trying to save the values of an activity class parameter in a variable inside a node. 

In the expression of custom output AC! works and passes values correctly to the target process variable. However when I try the same with index(ac!Variables,"restaurant",null) it does not work and passes null values to the target process variable which subsequently errors out down the line. 

I have tried several times but 'dot' works and 'index' does not.

Of course not a big deal but I would prefer using index than dot. Anything I am doing wrong?  or shall I raise this with Appian Academy?



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  • Hi Stewart,

    CDT is

    Some more experiments I did..

    I saved the AC!Variables into another pv botVariables of type 'Map'

    Now in another node in a script task I am doing this - Index on botVariables and this works perfectly fine

    this time restaurantList is populated with values ..

    Now I have 2 questions 

    1) why index() on botVariables works when I am storing ac!Variables into botVariables but why index() directly on ac!Variables not working.

    2) why 'dot' works and not index() on ac!Variables

    I sincerely hope i can go on a video call with you ..anyway let me know if you see any issue here.

    Again, I have a work around so this is not blocking.



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