Can not able to see added fields in Db table.

I have added some more fields in CDT and updated Datastore.
However can not able to see those added fields in Db table.


Could you please look on it and solve it...

Thank you.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Can you share the  cdt and the table definition

    /* UPDATE DDL */
    /* WARNING: The DDL commented out below will drop and re-create all tables.
        alter table `elsdcmentdetails_dcmenttype` 
            foreign key FK5680BAFD62822A00;
        alter table `elsdcmntdetils_pldeddcments` 
            foreign key FK6CC903A9414334E0;
        drop table if exists `elsapplicationdetails`;
        drop table if exists `elsborrowerdetails`;
        drop table if exists `elsdcmentdetails_dcmenttype`;
        drop table if exists `elsdcmntdetils_pldeddcments`;
        drop table if exists `elsdocumentdetails`;
        drop table if exists `elsloanrequestactions`;
        create table `elsapplicationdetails` (
            `loanid` varchar(255) not null,
            `producttype` varchar(255),
            `loantype` varchar(255),
            `locktype` double precision,
            `loanpurpose` varchar(255),
            `loanamount` integer,
            `intrestrate` double precision,
            `anlperrate` double precision,
            `propertytype` varchar(255),
            `propertytypesub` varchar(255),
            `builtyear` integer,
            `country` varchar(255),
            `state` varchar(255),
            `city` varchar(255),
            `zipcode` integer,
            `streetaddress` varchar(255),
            primary key (`loanid`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
        create table `elsborrowerdetails` (
            `loanid` varchar(255) not null,
            `firstname` varchar(255),
            `middlename` varchar(255),
            `lastname` varchar(255),
            `maidenname` varchar(255),
            `tin` integer,
            `dob` date,
            `nationality` varchar(255),
            `gender` varchar(255),
            `martial` varchar(255),
            `emailid` varchar(255),
            `phonemobile` varchar(255),
            `phoneoffice` varchar(255),
            `country` varchar(255),
            `state` varchar(255),
            `city` varchar(255),
            `zipcode` integer,
            `streetaddress` varchar(255),
            `employername` varchar(255),
            `employmenttype` varchar(255),
            `designation` varchar(255),
            `duration` integer,
            `employeraddress` varchar(255),
            `grosssalary` double precision,
            `bonus` double precision,
            `total` double precision,
            `otherincome` double precision,
            `others` double precision,
            `loanoutstanding` double precision,
            `creditors` double precision,
            `liabilityothers` double precision,
            `liabilitytotal` double precision,
            `cashdeposit` double precision,
            `ira` double precision,
            `fixedassets` double precision,
            `stocks` double precision,
            `assetothers` double precision,
            primary key (`loanid`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
        create table `elsdcmentdetails_dcmenttype` (
            `elsdcmntdtils_dcmnttyp_lnid` varchar(255) not null,
            `documenttype` varchar(255),
            `elsdcmntdtils_dcmnttype_idx` integer not null,
            primary key (`elsdcmntdtils_dcmnttyp_lnid`, `elsdcmntdtils_dcmnttype_idx`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
        create table `elsdcmntdetils_pldeddcments` (
            `elsdcmntdtls_pldddcmnts_lnd` varchar(255) not null,
            elt integer,
            `elsdcmntdtls_pldddcmnts_idx` integer not null,
            primary key (`elsdcmntdtls_pldddcmnts_lnd`, `elsdcmntdtls_pldddcmnts_idx`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
        create table `elsdocumentdetails` (
            `loanid` varchar(255) not null,
            `submittedby` varchar(255),
            `submittedon` date,
            primary key (`loanid`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
        create table `elsloanrequestactions` (
            `loanid` varchar(255) not null,
            `lnpcract` boolean,
            `lnpcrcmnts` varchar(255),
            primary key (`loanid`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
        alter table `elsdcmentdetails_dcmenttype` 
            add index FK5680BAFD62822A00 (`elsdcmntdtils_dcmnttyp_lnid`), 
            add constraint FK5680BAFD62822A00 
            foreign key (`elsdcmntdtils_dcmnttyp_lnid`) 
            references `elsdocumentdetails` (`loanid`);
        alter table `elsdcmntdetils_pldeddcments` 
            add index FK6CC903A9414334E0 (`elsdcmntdtls_pldddcmnts_lnd`), 
            add constraint FK6CC903A9414334E0 
            foreign key (`elsdcmntdtls_pldddcmnts_lnd`) 
            references `elsdocumentdetails` (`loanid`);

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to shukurs0001

    Ideal way is to alter the table, add the columns in the database using the alter query and then create the xsd for the cdt and map those columns with your cdt fields. Then verify the entity mappings in the datastore

  • I think the issue here is that you have two fields that are primitive fields (text / number) that are listed as arrays. The way Appian manages this is by creating a new table to store the values and their foreign keys back to the original table.

    In general I strongly recommend that you do not set up your CDT this way - it will be much more difficult to manage and you will have no direct access to the documents. Instead, I'd recommend creating an additional CDT such as "document_line_item" that contains an ID, documentType, and uploadedDocuments. Then, create a relationship from your current CDT to that CDT.

    See the CDT guidance for more information:

  • I think the issue here is that you have two fields that are primitive fields (text / number) that are listed as arrays. The way Appian manages this is by creating a new table to store the values and their foreign keys back to the original table.

    In general I strongly recommend that you do not set up your CDT this way - it will be much more difficult to manage and you will have no direct access to the documents. Instead, I'd recommend creating an additional CDT such as "document_line_item" that contains an ID, documentType, and uploadedDocuments. Then, create a relationship from your current CDT to that CDT.

    See the CDT guidance for more information:
