process model error

Certified Associate Developer

An error occurred while trying to retrieve the data store entity [id=Approved]. Verify that the data store and entity have not been deleted, and have the correct security settings. Details: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The id of the data store entity must be a composite id with a "@" as separator: Approved

error please check

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  • Hi Krishan,

    Your error itself is saying that where you might have done wrong.

    Read this once: "Verify that the data store and entity have not been deleted, and have the correct security settings."

    Hope you get it after checking the existence of your using data store and entity. If they both are there then go and check with security once to know whether the user, who is performing the operation has atleast least privileges as viewer permissions to data store entity from which you are retrieving the data.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Sasi Kiran Pagadala

     this is an another error

    An error occurred while trying to write to the entity "HCMS_Approval" [id=7132834d-34db-44b4-8fe0-c69c965b791a@4222, type=HCMS_Approval (id=4042)] (data store: HCMSCUSTOMERDETAILS). Details: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The record to be saved must not be null: TypedValue[it=4042,v=<null>] Data: TypedValue[it=4042,v=<null>]

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