Hi dear,
I have written code like in the picture, I just want to print the max no without using max function.
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Hi shukurs0001,
I want to understand your use case. Why do you want to do it without the max() function? Tho there are multiple ways of doing it, max() will be the most efficient way (as Chris also mentioned)
max() is fairly useless in, let's say, the case of having an array of CDT and wanting to find the element in the array with the max value on a particular element - in which case, the "todatasubset" sorting method listed above works pretty well overall.
Using max() with displayValue()?
I love displayValue().
a!localVariables( local!data: { 'type!{urn:com:gdit:types}COE_Sample_CDT'(step: 2, requestByName: "Mike"), 'type!{urn:com:gdit:types}COE_Sample_CDT'(step: 3, requestByName: "Harshit"), 'type!{urn:com:gdit:types}COE_Sample_CDT'(step: 1, requestByName: "Chris"), 'type!{urn:com:gdit:types}COE_Sample_CDT'(step: 4, requestByName: "Stefan") }, displayValue( max(local!data.step), local!data.step, local!data.requestByName, null ) )
That works too, though at that point you may as well sort and get the 1st index (especially since setting it up that way from the start enables you to potentially add other sort factors, like if one is needed to break a tie). Also I find displayValue() to be unnecessarily messy-looking in most cases, though it is handy in a few.