Clickable Link based on condition

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All

I am a new Appian and need some suggestions.

Problem Statement:

Created Record Type and there is one column i.e. request number which i created clickable link

links: {
label: fv!row['recordType!{2774e922-1a67-4b2a-8113-4d7f9649efdb}IMS Invoice.fields.{979355da-81d8-4800-b32a-a9c3de5ae348}requestNumber'],
recordType: 'recordType!{2774e922-1a67-4b2a-8113-4d7f9649efdb}IMS Invoice',
identifier: fv!identifier

When I click on the above link, a summary page will open.

So I want this link to be dynamic like based on the condition, I have one column i.e. status.

So when the status will be drafted different interface or page will open and when the status is submitted summary page will open

Need help


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