Delete data from data store having some conditions to column similar to where clause in RDBMS

Hi team,

I am looking for a way by which I can delete a data from a data store entity having some conditions.

For example, I am having a cdt having the following structure and values,

ID - Name - email

1 - Jai -

2 - vishwaas -

3 - jignesh -

Now above, id is a primary key but I want to delete the data having email as

I am not able to achieve the same using a!deleteFromDataStoreEntities smart service. Can you pls help me in writing an expression rule which can delete the two rows (1 and 3 having email as

Consider name of the constant for data store entity as : myDataStoreEntity

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Parents Reply
    1. you can only delete from the database table using the identifiers (primary keys) of the rows you want to delete when using deleteFromDataStoreEntities 
    2. you therefore first need to fetch those primary keys. To fetch them you need to, as Stefan described, run a query using a!queryEntity() and use the values you have described above as filters for the rows you want returned from the database
