
Certified Associate Developer

Hi All,

As per my current requirement i am using an integration for google space where i want to color Card background, border and header any suggestion?, I have already tried with font color in title of header

but it's not working, same i am using in content for message and it's working fine so any solution for header and card?

Below is the code which is i am using.


"header": {

concat( "<font color='#90EE90'>",
if(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gChatTemplate.headerTitle),"Notification",ri!gChatTemplate.headerTitle), "</font>"),

"imageUrl": if(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gChatTemplate.headerImageURL),"">",ri!gChatTemplate.headerImageURL)

"keyValue": {
"topLabel": if(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gChatTemplate.notificationBy),"",concat("Notification Sent By: ",ri!gChatTemplate.notificationBy)),
"content": concat( "<font color='#90EE90'>",
if(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gChatTemplate.content),"<br>Details not available",concat(ri!gChatTemplate.content,"<br>")), "</font>"),
"contentMultiline": if(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gChatTemplate.contentMultiline),"true",ri!gChatTemplate.contentMultiline),
"bottomLabel": if(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gChatTemplate.bottomLabel),"Details not available",ri!gChatTemplate.bottomLabel),
"onClick": {
"openLink": {
"url": if(rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gChatTemplate.bottomLabelURL),"">",ri!gChatTemplate.bottomLabelURL)


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  • It's unclear to me what this code is (because it doesn't look like an Appian expression) - is this JSON that you're sending to the integration? If so, you'll likely need to verify with the integration what its expected format is. A good way to verify this is to use a tool like Postman to test out the request from outside of Appian. Then, when you get the request formatted in a way that works in that system, go back into Appian and try to replicate the same request.

  • It's unclear to me what this code is (because it doesn't look like an Appian expression) - is this JSON that you're sending to the integration? If so, you'll likely need to verify with the integration what its expected format is. A good way to verify this is to use a tool like Postman to test out the request from outside of Appian. Then, when you get the request formatted in a way that works in that system, go back into Appian and try to replicate the same request.

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