read-only grid Export to excel


I have a read-only grid with few column along with a column under which "update" buttons are there againest each row.

Now, when I try to use "Export to Excel" icon, it is downlading all the columns inlcuding button column name like "update" against each row.

Is there a way I can avoid "button" name in each row of export to excel.

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to swapnar6405

        label: "Read-only Grid",
        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
        data: 'recordType!{99b0bb09-e2c0-4f75-a70b-26f247e2d095}AA Vehicle',
        columns: {
            value: a!richTextDisplayField(
              value: a!richTextIcon(
                icon: "pencil",
                caption: "UPDATE",
                link: a!startProcessLink(
                  processModel: cons!PA_PM_UPDATE_VEHICLE,
                  /* Process model which is used in related action */
                  processParameters: { vehicle: fv!row }
                linkStyle: "STANDALONE"
            width: "ICON"
            value: fv!row['recordType!{99b0bb09-e2c0-4f75-a70b-26f247e2d095}AA Vehicle.fields.{41ba4a5a-f36f-474a-b17d-c12f6869260f}make']
        validations: {}
