ERROR When we try to access the other group users in the expression rule


Users who are part of one specific group trying to submit a form and which triggers an email to the people those who are part of the same group along with other group.

When I try to access the other group users in the expression rule like below, I am encountering an error.

local!visibilityUsers: a!groupMembers(
memberType: "USER"

ERROR Details:

Problem:  An invalid expression has been encountered in a task.

Details:  An error occurred while evaluating expression: xxxxx Expression evaluation error in rule 'AA_getEaddresses' at function a!groupMembers [line 99]: Expression evaluation error at function 'a!groupMembers': : Insufficient permission) (Data Outputs)

Recommended Action:  Check the expression including any function requirements and resume.

Priority of this problem: High Priority

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