I have a text field where user is entering website. I am using below line of code to provide a link to the user to navigate to the website.
Issue is when user to try to enter link "www.google.com" or "google.com" and when they came to the link and hit it is throwing an error.
if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!site), a!richTextItem( text: ri!site, link: a!safeLink(uri: ri!site,openLinkIn: "NEW_TAB") ), "" )
Any suggestions from anyone.
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swapnar6405 said:they came to the link and hit it is throwing an error.
I don't have many suggestions without first knowing some detail about the error message the user is getting. Why not post the error text and/or a screenshot at least?
The two things I can think of in advance: 1) are you doing any sort of verification that the user is typing a valid URL? 2 ) Are you appending "http://" (etc) to the beginning of the URL being supplied, or are you assuming they'll type it?
I believe you need the full URL e.g. for your example this needs to be: https://www.google.co.uk/.
You'll need to examine the value entered by a user and validate it (which you should be doing anyway) and perhaps add the https:// prefix if they haven't already provided it. Or you could simply insist that a fully qualified url is provided.
ERROR Details:
An Error Has Occurred The record view does not exist or you do not have permission to see it. (APNX-1-4205-015).
Users may enter or may not enter http// or https://, because of free text field.
How to insist that a fully qualified url entered by the user. Is there a way to use any kind of function to do this in Appian.
concat("https://", local!yourUrl)
But before you do this, make sure to check if the URL already consists of this. You can do this using like() function.
I have to find whether user entered "http://" or "https://" then in this case also, I can use like() function?
You will need to verify it one way or another - there are numerous Appian text functions which you could use to do this, depending on how strong the need will be - you could use like(), left(), regexMatch, etc.
To simplify the data entry of a fully qualified url, I would simply replace any existing occurrences with an empty string and then normalize it at the end. You should also validate it to make sure it is a valid URL, I would suggest using a regular expression for this. https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/regular-expression-functions.
a!localVariables( local!value: "https://google.com", concat( "https://", reduce( fn!substitute, local!value, merge({ "http://", "https://" }, { "", "" }) ) ) )
Thank you all for your suggestions. Really appreciate.