Setting an initial user for pickerFieldUser

When creating a new record with a user field, I want the field the field to initially be set to the current logged in user.  I need to be able to clear that field and select a different user if applicable. 

In all of the functional variations I've tried, I can set a default value, but it will not allow me to change the selection.  If I click the X to clear the selection, it just repopulates with the logged-in user. 

I've tried variations of the following:


label: "User",
labelPosition: "ABOVE",
maxSelections: 1,
value: if (

isnull(ri!record['recordType!{...}BWTA Event.fields.{...}user']),
ri!record['recordType!{...}BWTA Event.fields.{...}user']

saveInto: ri!record['recordType!{...}BWTA Event.fields.{...}user'],
required: true,
validations: {}


I've reviewed many discussion threads, but either my available options do not match or they do not pertain to the create action.  

I reviewed this recipe, linked in a number of posts, Set the Default Value of an Input on a Start Form - Appian 23.1, but under the Process Modeler I do not see a "process start form" mentioned in step 3, nor am I prompted import rule inputs as in step 4.  All I see is the Start node and there are no relevant configuration options.

One thread mentioned the use of the statProcessLink, but I don't see how to configure the Create action button from the records list and thus I don't see any way to add context parameters to the Create action.

Any help appreciated...


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