AWS principles

How to provide Appian with a list of AWS Principals that will send connection requests to the endpoint service?

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to devhaasant7968

    Chat GPT told me the following. I thank that step 4 is the relevant one. There is a function in the Cryptographic Hash Functions plugin.

    To connect your application to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using AWS principals and plain HTTP API calls, you can follow these general steps:

    1. Set up AWS credentials: Obtain AWS access key ID and secret access key, which you can generate through the AWS Management Console.

    2. Choose an API: Select the AWS service and API you want to interact with. For example, if you want to interact with Amazon S3, you'll use the S3 API.

    3. Construct the API request: Build an HTTP request with the necessary headers, parameters, and request body according to the API documentation. This typically involves specifying the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), the API endpoint URL, and any required headers and parameters.

    4. Sign the request: AWS requires requests to be signed to authenticate and authorize them. The exact process varies slightly depending on the AWS service and programming language you're using. Generally, you need to create a signature by hashing specific elements of the request and including the signature in the request headers. You can find code examples and libraries for request signing in different programming languages provided by AWS.

    5. Send the request: Use an HTTP client library or tool to send the signed request to the API endpoint. You can use libraries like curl or programming language-specific libraries (e.g., requests in Python) to make the API call.

    6. Handle the API response: Receive the API response and process it based on the desired functionality of your application. The response may contain the data you requested or provide information about the success or failure of the API call.