How to consume the batched data ?

Hi All,

I have written the expression rule to fetch data from the tables and I have given batch size = 50.

Now I want to know what' the right way to consume the data so that I can get everything based on the given filters. As it would contain data more than 50 rows so how can I consume the data properly ?

Any example process models will really be helpful.


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Parents Reply
  • for example i have some processIds for which I have to fetch the data and we are fetching these processIds from DB table. now for fetching processIds I am using expression rule, and expression rule is having batch size of 50. now what I want is to fetch all the processIds and get the required data from somewhere else. so how can I make sure that I have checked for all the processIds not only for 50 processIds.
    let me know if I am still not very clear.
