Selection from Dropdown not showing on Summary view.

When creating records for a Loans table, I have 6 dropdowns where the choices are fed via related tables. The dropdowns work fine, however, after the record is saved and viewing the summary view for that record, the selections in those dropdown fields are not showing, only getting a "-". The following is the code used in the display value portion for the summary view of the dropdown fields. This works fine on other tables I have done and is the same on the community Acme Auto app but I can't figure out what is missing.

      ri!record['recordType!{6e4edeaf-030d-4fc2-917a-ab20f1027418}DC Loans.fields.{6c4213e9-38dd-4430-ac99-141cf70a9ebb}loanSourceId']
        recordType: 'recordType!{beec71c0-c52d-4b00-8311-cbcf34fcd0c7}DC LoanSources',
        fields: 'recordType!{beec71c0-c52d-4b00-8311-cbcf34fcd0c7}DC LoanSources.fields.{7413e7ce-3dc8-4513-bf9a-13a6376dfb11}loanSourceName',
        pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 1),
        filters: a!queryFilter(
          field: 'recordType!{beec71c0-c52d-4b00-8311-cbcf34fcd0c7}DC LoanSources.fields.{ff748bfd-bb00-441d-a6b3-60434c5f439e}loanSourceId',
          operator: "=",
          value: ri!record['recordType!{6e4edeaf-030d-4fc2-917a-ab20f1027418}DC Loans.fields.{6c4213e9-38dd-4430-ac99-141cf70a9ebb}loanSourceId']
      'recordType!{beec71c0-c52d-4b00-8311-cbcf34fcd0c7}DC LoanSources.fields.{7413e7ce-3dc8-4513-bf9a-13a6376dfb11}loanSourceName',

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