I have a requirement to copy data from one user form to another.
If a user has made one order, it is saved in the database. I need a functionality where I can use the saved order's data to be copied to another form. Does anyone know how can I achieve this functionality?
Example would be very helpful.Thanks
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In Appian there is no thing like "copy data from one form to the other". Can you explain in detail what you are trying to achieve?
According to my requirements, I should be able to use saved data from one form to another. Like if a user has submitted one order and later on they want to use the same details for another order. so they should have the ability to use that data to auto-fill all the forms.
Assuming you follow the normal way of designing Appian apps, you have a record that you want to duplicate. Then, just create a related action that fetches the required data, nullifies all the identifiers and shows that data in a form.
That would be the most simple and direct way.
I need to have a 'copy' button somewhere on the form
Can you elaborate more? I am still confused about the option