when I used a!pickerFieldUsersAndGroups() in filter .It gives error during selecting Group
cannot apply [EQUALS] to field [assignee] when comparing to value [TypedValue[it =5,v=414].
what operator should I used for it
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when i select user or group in both case it gives error.
a!localVariables( local!pick, local!user, a!pickerFieldUsersAndGroups( label:"picker", value: local!pick, saveInto: { local!pick, a!save( local!user, 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:T_USER_OR_GROUP}T_USER_OR_GROUP'( userOrGroup: local!pick ) ) } ) )
Here are the 2 text representations for a user and a group.
how should I make...
'type!{urn:com:appian:types:T_USER_OR_GROUP}T_USER_OR_GROUP'( userOrGroup: local!pick )
After selecting user or group from picker.
It is not applied in filter
filter:a!queryFilter( field:"userOrGroupName", operator:"=", value:local!pick ),
It gives Error:
a!queryFilter( field: "username", operator: "=", value: tostring(local!pick) )
put a tostring in your queryFilter
how should I make.this..
is it a CDT.
userorgroup field not present in cdt
'type!{urn:com:appian:types:T_USER_OR_GROUP}T_USER_OR_GROUP'(userOrGroup: local!pick)
It should be a text field if you want to store it in a database.