when I used a!pickerFieldUsersAndGroups() in filter .It gives error during selecting Group
cannot apply [EQUALS] to field [assignee] when comparing to value [TypedValue[it =5,v=414].
what operator should I used for it
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groupFilter (Group): When present, only users or groups which are members of this group are suggested.
Are you using a constant of type Group as the filter?
a!pickerFieldUsersAndGroups( groupFilter: cons!T_GROUP )
it is good with users selection but not select groups
Not sure I follow, can you show me the code?
a!localVariables( local!pick, local!data:a!queryEntity( entity:cons!LAM_DSE_LEAVES, query:a!query( filter:a!queryFilter( field:"username", operator:"=", value:local!pick ), pagingInfo:a!pagingInfo( startIndex:1, batchSize:-1 ) ) ), a!pickerFieldUsersAndGroups( label:"picker", value:local!pick, saveInto:local!pick ) )
when I select user so not error but during selecting group it gives error
This error would always be seen when you first load your form because you're trying to filter on the value of local!pick which would always be empty at first, and the filter value can't just be empty without taking other steps. In this case you probably want your query to return nothing until a value is given for local!pick, so you could wrap the entire query in an if() statement checking whether local!pick is blank.
Additionally, if local!pick is expected to resolve to a username (as that's what you'll be querying), you should probably just use a user picker field, not the "user and group" picker, because if a group is selected, the query will fail (or at least not return anything meaningful).
but I want to select both users and groups in my filter