How to create 2 interfaces with same values but title will be different

i want an interface as "TEST 1 APPROVAL" with  fields name, section and class with cancel,approve and reject button .once we approve another interface with same fields must display with title "Test 2 approval" 

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    Here If you are saving the status as "Approve" in the database or some sort of flag that will reflect that once it is approved, before opening the other screen. Then you can simply use if() in the label of the object. As shown below.

    If you are simply calling the interface again in the same interface then just pass the label { "Test 2 approval" } as rule input.

  • I need an interface with title " A approval" with fields which are read only with 3 buttons cancel ,approve and reject .
    Upon cancel no action will happen . for rejecting and approving ,user should be part of a group .
    upon rejection , new box will come for rejection comments .

    Upon approving ,status will be changed and i need same form with title and " B Approval" with same fields and buttons and user who is part of b group can only approve/reject 

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to ZAINAB

    So here, the modification of the title/label of the interface, you can modify it on the basis of status.

    And for the assignment part, If "A approval" form can be approved by only a user of "a" group then it should only be assigned to the users of the "a" group. And same for the "B Approval", it should only be assigned to "b" group. This is part of the assignment that you can manage through the process model (node assignment).

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to ZAINAB

    So here, the modification of the title/label of the interface, you can modify it on the basis of status.

    And for the assignment part, If "A approval" form can be approved by only a user of "a" group then it should only be assigned to the users of the "a" group. And same for the "B Approval", it should only be assigned to "b" group. This is part of the assignment that you can manage through the process model (node assignment).

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