I am getting CastInvalid Error Message . I verified all the datatypes . It looks good. I dont know where this error is pointing.

Expression evaluation error at function a!forEach [line 104]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error at function 'cast' [line 106]: Could not cast from COSELM_coselm_eox_information to Number (Integer). Details: CastInvalidCould not cast from COSELM_coselm_eox_information to Number (Integer). Details: CastInvalid

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  • You don't need the CAST. You can simply have the following:

        items: local!productInfo,
        expression: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:COSELM}COSELM_coselm_eox_information'(
          /* map your attributes from each instance of fv!item to your CDT attributes */

  • Thank you :). But in my other expression i am doing casting which is working i am not sure why i am getting error. However this solution works fine. Let me integrate this with process model and see if it actually post the data to db 

      items: local!productinfo,
          serialNumber: fn!index(fv!item, "EOXInputValue", null),
          createdBy: loggedInUser(),
          createdOn: now(),
          modifiedBy: loggedInUser(),
          modifiedOn: now(),
          eOlproductId: fn!index(fv!item, "EOLProductID", null),
          productIdDescription: fn!index(fv!item, "ProductIDDescription", null),
          productBulletinNumber: fn!index(fv!item, "ProductBulletinNumber", null),
          linkToProductBulletinUrl: fn!index(fv!item, "LinkToProductBulletinURL", null),
          eOxExternalAnnouncementDate: fn!index(fv!item, "EOXExternalAnnouncementDate", null),
          endOfSaleDate: fn!index(fv!item, "EndOfSaleDate", null),
          endOfSwMaintenanceReleases: fn!index(fv!item, "EndOfSWMaintenanceReleases", null),
          endOfSecurityVulSupportDate: fn!index(fv!item, "EndOfSecurityVulSupportDate", ""),
          endOfRoutineFailureAnalysisDate: fn!index(fv!item, "EndOfRoutineFailureAnalysisDate", null),
          endOfServiceContractRenewal: fn!index(fv!item, "EndOfServiceContractRenewal", null),
          lastDateOfSupport: fn!index(fv!item, "LastDateOfSupport", null),
          endOfSvcAttachDate: fn!index(fv!item, "EndOfSvcAttachDate", null),
          updatedTimeStamp: fn!index(fv!item, "UpdatedTimeStamp", null),
          pIdActiveFlag: fn!index(fv!item, "PIDActiveFlag", null),
          migrationProductInfoUrl: fn!index(fv!item, "MigrationProductInfoURL", null),
          migrationInformation: fn!index(fv!item, "MigrationInformation", null),
          migrationProductId: fn!index(fv!item, "MigrationProductId", null),
          migrationProductName: fn!index(fv!item, "MigrationProductName", null),
          migrationStrategy: fn!index(fv!item, "MigrationStrategy", null),
          migrationOption: fn!index(fv!item, "MigrationOption", null),

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