Troubleshooting a Complex Editable Grid

Howdy All,

I'm new to Appian and struggling with how to configure the Editable Grid for a form response.

Particularly trying to troubleshoot the "Add New Row" feature within the Editable Grid.

Any advice or guidance on how to adjust this would be appreciated!

/* Editable Grid */
                          label: "",
                          contents: {
                              label: "Please Complete below if there is no quote attached.",
                              labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                              headerCells: {
                               /* 1 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Action"),
                               /* 2 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Item Number"),
                               /* 3 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Item Description", align: "LEFT"),
                               /* 4 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Part Number", align: "LEFT"),
                               /* 5 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "URL Link"),
                               /* 6 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Lead Time (Days)"),
                               /* 7 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Qty"),
                               /* 8 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Cost Per Unit"),
                               /* 9 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Total Cost"),
                               /*10 */ a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "")
                              columnConfigs: {
                               /* 1 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"),            /*        Action       */
                               /* 2 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2), /*     Item Number     */
                               /* 3 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 3), /*   Item Description  */
                               /* 4 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2), /*     Part Number     */
                               /* 5 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 2), /*       URL Link      */
                               /* 6 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"),             /*   Lead Time (Days)  */
                               /* 7 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 1),  /*        Qty          */
                               /* 8 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"),             /*    Cost Per Unit    */
                               /* 9 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "NARROW"),                 /*      Total Cost     */
                               /*10 */ a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "NARROW")                  /* [Delete Row Column] */
                              rows: {
                                  items: ri!Item,
                                  expression: a!gridRowLayout(
                                    contents: {
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: ri!Item.action,
                                        saveInto: ri!Item.action,
                                        required: false,
                                        validationGroup: "main"
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: fv!item.itemnumber[fv!index],
                                        saveInto: fv!item.itemnumber[fv!index],
                                        required: false,
                                        validationGroup: "main"
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: fv!item.itemdesc[fv!index],
                                        saveInto: fv!item.itemdesc[fv!index],
                                        characterLimit: 100,
                                        required: false,
                                        validationGroup: "main"
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: fv!item.partnumber[fv!index],
                                        saveInto: fv!item.partnumber[fv!index],
                                        required: false,
                                        validationGroup: "main"
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: fv!item.urllink[fv!index],
                                        saveInto: fv!item.urllink[fv!index],
                                        required: false,
                                        validationGroup: "main"
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: fv!item.leadtime[fv!index],
                                        saveInto: fv!item.leadtime[fv!index],
                                        required: false,
                                        validationGroup: "main"
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: fv!item.quantity[fv!index],
                                        saveInto: fv!item.quantity[fv!index],
                                        required: false,
                                        validations: {
                                          if(fv!item.quantity[fv!index] < 1, "Quantity must be greater than zero", "")
                                        validationGroup: "main",
                                        align: "RIGHT"
                                        placeholder: "",
                                        value: fv!item.unitPrice[fv!index],
                                        saveInto: fv!item.unitPrice[fv!index],
                                        required: false,
                                        validations: {
                                          if(fv!item.unitPrice[fv!index] < 0, "Price must be greater than zero", "")
                                        validationGroup: "main",
                                        align: "RIGHT"
                                        value: a!currency(isoCode: "USD", value: fv!item.totalc[fv!index]),
                                        readOnly: true,
                                        align: "RIGHT"
                                        value: {
                                            icon: "times",
                                            link: a!dynamicLink(
                                              saveInto: a!save(ri!Item, remove(ri!Item, fv!index))
                                            linkStyle: "STANDALONE",
                                            color: "NEGATIVE"
                                /* Editable Grid */
                                  contents: {
                                    /* 1 */  a!textField(
                                      label: "Action",
                                      saveInto: ri!Item['recordType!{18032ed7-381c-4379-b76b-3ef592acf874}KXTItem.fields.{48a1083c-302c-4de1-a61d-245483e72a7d}action'],readOnly: true),                                  /*       Action      */
                                    /* 2 */  a!textField(
                                      label: "Item Number",
                                      saveInto: ri!Item['recordType!{18032ed7-381c-4379-b76b-3ef592acf874}KXTItem.fields.{956062b4-7dc1-480c-903d-41f0a0e16f2a}itemnumber'],readOnly: true),                                  /*     Item Number   */
                                    /* 3 */  a!textField(
                                      label: "Item Description",
                                      saveInto: ri!Item['recordType!{18032ed7-381c-4379-b76b-3ef592acf874}KXTItem.fields.{93159d1a-808d-4010-a9de-3ea3e20a2a16}itemdesc'],readOnly: true),                                  /*  Item Description */
                                    /* 5 */  a!textField(readOnly: true),                                  /*     Part Number   */
                                    /* 6 */  a!textField(readOnly: true),                                  /*      URL Link     */
                                    /* 7 */  a!textField(readOnly: true),                                  /*  Lead Time (Days) */
                                    /* 8 */  a!textField(readOnly: true),                                  /*         Qty       */
                                    /* 9  */ a!textField(value: "Total", readOnly: true, align: "RIGHT"),  /*    Total Cost     */
                                    /* 10 */ a!textField(
                                      value: a!currency(isoCode: "USD", value: sum(a!forEach(
                                        items: "",
                                        expression: fv!item.qty * fv!item.unitPrice
                                      )), format: "SYMBOL"),
                                      readOnly: true,
                                      align: "RIGHT"
                                    /* */ a!textField(readOnly: true)
                              addRowLink: a!dynamicLink(
                                label: "Add New Item",
                                saveInto: {
                                  a!save(ri!Item, append(ri!Item, a!map(action: "",itemnumber: "",itemdesc: "",partnum: " ",urllink: " ", leadtime: "",qty: tointeger(null),unitPrice: todecimal(null), totalc: "")))
                              rowHeader: 1

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