How to get access token generated from Oauth 2.0 configured in appian

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All

Please suggest some ideas how can i externally/manuaaly capture the the access token generated from OAuth2.0 in apian.

As of now it is managing to pass tokens directly from connected system to integration.

One link is already there in apian suggesting capturing the access token code, but don't know where to write this code, link is given below

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    To capture and manually pass an OAuth 2.0 access token from Appian for use in another application, despite Appian's design to not expose such tokens directly, you can follow this workaround:

    1. External OAuth Flow Execution: Execute the OAuth 2.0 flow externally using a tool like Postman or a custom script. This involves directly interacting with the OAuth provider's endpoints to authenticate and obtain the access token.

    2. Manual Token Management: Once you have the access token, manage it manually outside of Appian. This could involve storing the token securely and making it accessible to your other applications as needed.

    3. Secure Token Sharing: Implement a secure method to pass the token to your application, ensuring that the token is transmitted securely (e.g., over HTTPS) and only accessible to authorized parties.


    This solution requires handling the OAuth process and token management manually, outside of Appian's built-in features, due to Appian's secure design philosophy which does not support exposing access tokens directly.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    To capture and manually pass an OAuth 2.0 access token from Appian for use in another application, despite Appian's design to not expose such tokens directly, you can follow this workaround:

    1. External OAuth Flow Execution: Execute the OAuth 2.0 flow externally using a tool like Postman or a custom script. This involves directly interacting with the OAuth provider's endpoints to authenticate and obtain the access token.

    2. Manual Token Management: Once you have the access token, manage it manually outside of Appian. This could involve storing the token securely and making it accessible to your other applications as needed.

    3. Secure Token Sharing: Implement a secure method to pass the token to your application, ensuring that the token is transmitted securely (e.g., over HTTPS) and only accessible to authorized parties.


    This solution requires handling the OAuth process and token management manually, outside of Appian's built-in features, due to Appian's secure design philosophy which does not support exposing access tokens directly.

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