Error When Pushing to databae

Hello, I am beginner to Appian. I am getting an error from my process model when I start publishing. The error is:

Details: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The record to be saved must not be null: TypedValue[it=4570,v=<null>] Data: TypedValue[it=4570,v=<null>]

From other threads are saying one of my values is null which isnt the case nothing is null in the cdt and all of the fields are mapped on the interface. Any thoughts? 

Is there a way to tell what field is giving this issue, again very new so as much details would be helpful. 


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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The record to be saved must not be null" indicates that your code is trying to save a null CDT (Custom Data Type) record in Appian.
    It seems like you're encountering an issue with null values in your Appian process model. To identify which field is causing the problem, you can try debugging your process model step by step. Start by checking each field and their corresponding mappings in the interface. Ensure that all required fields have values assigned to them before publishing. Additionally, you can try logging or printing out the values of each field before saving to see if any of them are null. This way, you can pinpoint the exact field causing the issue.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The record to be saved must not be null" indicates that your code is trying to save a null CDT (Custom Data Type) record in Appian.
    It seems like you're encountering an issue with null values in your Appian process model. To identify which field is causing the problem, you can try debugging your process model step by step. Start by checking each field and their corresponding mappings in the interface. Ensure that all required fields have values assigned to them before publishing. Additionally, you can try logging or printing out the values of each field before saving to see if any of them are null. This way, you can pinpoint the exact field causing the issue.

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