ERROR content _a-0000e6f8-8866-8000-9bc2-011c48011c48_1560555 102914 The content [id=102914 uuid=_a-0000e6f8-8866-8000-9bc2-011c48011c48_1560555] was not imported because a required precedent is missing: recordField [uuid=AFPFVisit location=Interface Defin

Certified Associate Developer

Hi Team,

I am facing below error while deploying interface which has record type as a precedent. I have recently added 2 columns in record type and deployed it to other environment for the first time deployment went successfully with interface any record type later I made small change in the interface then I am unable to deploy the interface even though I have added record type to avoid the missing precedent issue.

ERROR content _a-0000e6f8-8866-8000-9bc2-011c48011c48_1560555 102914 The content [id=102914 uuid=_a-0000e6f8-8866-8000-9bc2-011c48011c48_1560555] was not imported because a required precedent is missing: recordField [uuid=AFPFVisit location=Interface Definition] in record type [id=22 uuid=928b33df-26a0-46a4-8de9-540217145302] cannot be found. (APNX-1-4070-005) (APNX-1-4071-006)

Kindly help me if you have any solution.



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