My goal is to produce an excel file from a set of Clergy Pension records. My plan to do this is:
1. Create an CDT to hold the data for the excel spreadsheet
2. Create an Expression Rule to create the data for the CDT
3. Use the Expression Rule in a Process Model to populate the CDT
4. Use the Export Data Store Entity to Excel smart service in the Process Model
My problem is with the Expression Rule, In the Expression Rule, I create two local variables; data and report. The local variable holds the results of the query and the local variable report is formatted data for storage into the CDT.
To create the local!data, I use a!queryRecordType() to pull the records I need. The data comes from several tables and I use the Relationships from the main table of the query, CPMA Clergy Pension. I filter and sort the data.
Here is the code for local!data.
local!data: a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension', fields: { 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.fields.clergyId', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.fields.clergyssnlast4', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.fields.clergylastname', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.fields.clergyfirstname', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.fields.clergymiddlename', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.relationships.clergyStatus.relationships.refStatustype.fields.status', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.fields.clergydob', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.fields.clergyhire', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.fields.participationDate', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.relationships.refGender.fields.gender', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.refPensionStatus.fields.pensionStatus', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.fields.pensionStatusEffectiveDate', 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.fields.comment' }, filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.fields.pensionStatusId', operator: "in", value: { 1, 3, 4 } ) }, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5000, sort: a!sortInfo( field: 'recordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationships.clergyMember.fields.clergylastname', ascending: true ) ) ), local!data
The output from this query looks like this.
In the local!report code, my objective is to take the Map output from the first local variable and cast it to the CDT I need for the excel export. I use a!foreach() to cast the data. The code for this is:
local!Report: a!forEach( items: local!data, expression: cast( 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:CPMA}CPMA_ClergyPensionContributor', { rowNumber: fv!index, cleryId: fv!item.clergyId, clergySSN:concat( "***-**-", fv!item.clergyssnlast4), clergyLastName: fv!item.clergylastname, clergyFirstName: fv!item.firstname, clergyFullName: concat( fv!item.clergylastname, ", ", fv!item.clergyfirstname, " ", if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(fv!item.clergymiddlename), charat(fv!item.clergymiddlename, 1), null ) ), clergyMiddleName: fv!item.clergymiddlename, cleryStatus: fv!item.status, clergyGender: fv!item.gender, clergyDoBirth: fv!item.clergydob, clergyAge: if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(fv!item.clergydob), rounddown((fv!item.clergydob - today()) / 365.24, 0), null ), clergyDoHire: fv!item.clergyhire, clergyYearsofService: if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(fv!item.clergyhire), rounddown((fv!item.clergyhire - today()) / 365.24, 0), null ), clergyDoParticipation: fv!item.participationDate, clergyDoRetire: if( a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!item.clergydob), null, if( month(fv!item.clergydob) = 12, date(year(fv!item.clergydob) + 72, 1, 1), date( year(fv!item.clergydob) + 71, month(fv!item.clergydob) + 1, 1 ) ) ), clergyPensionStatus: fv!item.pensionStatus, pensionStatusDate: fv!item.pensionStatusEffectiveDate, comment: fv!item.comment, } ) ), local!Report
However, when I put the two together, I get one record with all null values cast as the CDT. The a!foreach() function does not seem to process the initial local variable.
What am I doing wrong?
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You need to use local! to get query data. See below screenshot:
local!data is a map of the result (totalCount, batchSize, data, etc.). To get data from this map, you need to use local!
Your local!data is a map which contains multiple keys, you would need to index the "data" before you run it in the a!forEach loop. As Yogi mentioned, use local! in the a!forEach items parameter.
Thanks to Yogi and Konduru!! After I fixed this I had to do one more thing to get this to work. I had to change my references in the a!foreach expression to reference the record type for each of fields. I had to change fv!item.clergyName to fv!item(RecordType!CPMA Clergy Pension.relationship.clergyMember,fields.clergyName.
Once I had all of that corrected, the expression rule worked. Thank you agin to Yogi and Konduru!!